Opened the new masters programs

Within the project, a new masters programs were opened
New Three Masters programs were opened at the Tashkent Institute of Design, Construction and Operation of Roads and the Tashkent Railway Engineers Institute under the name "Intellectual Transport Systems" and at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi under the name "Intellectual Information Communication Systems". .
All conditions for opening new masters specialtiesat Andijan Machine Building Institute, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute and Termez State Universities are also created.
All of the above universities have established new laboratory facilities for the preparation of masters in new programs, signed import contracts and financed by the project to equip them with modern equipment.
The professors of the European University have developed syllabuses on the subjects and prepared by a presentation of the structure of the disciplines and one sample presentation of one lecture (