Roundtable discussion was held at Termez State University

On February 13, 2020, a roundtable discussion was held between the management staff of Surkhandarya Regional Department of the Ministry of Transport and the Department of Transport Systems and Structures at Termez State University. On the agenda:
1. On meeting of the President of the country on December 27, 2019 with the youth and addressing the Parliament on 24 January 2020 (Sh.Kurbonnazarov-Transport Officer).
2. Current requirements of employers' organizations (U.Nazarov-Transport Department).
3. About the problems of introduction of digital public transport system in our city. 4.StrasmUS + 586292-ERR-1-2017-1-RL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP "Intelligent Transport Systems: New ICT Based Master" by Curricula in Uzbekistan direction ”) (A. Kuziyev - Head of the Department).
Students received answers to their questions. Both sides agreed on further cooperation.